Tuesday, April 17, 2012

constant "pick me ups"

Alright, I know I just updated yesterday.....two updates in two days is unprecedented! haha but this is important so hear ye, hear ye!
If you know Marc & I you know that he is definitely the outgoing one, always starting conversations with strangers, a very social guy. I, on the other hand, usually let him do most of the talking while I pray in the "background". I don't jump in more than I do jump in.
A little bit of background, Marc & I have been feeling really drab.....this week has just not been the best for us, really weary & tiresome but for no apparent reason.
Recently I've been kinda feeling like I need to be more outgoing, willing to start more conversations but I really like letting Marc do that. A little bit because I'm fearful and partly also because I know that if a stranger came up and started talking to me, I probably wouldn't want to talk to them. Another part because I felt awkward in not knowing how to start conversations. (All of these dumb, especially considering why I/we are here & what we're doing right?!) Despite feeling like I should be talking to more people, I still just relied upon Marc & let him do all of the work. Consequently, it's been more than a few days since I really felt like I had heard from the Lord, despite reading and praying everyday. What was wrong? In the back of my mind, I had a sinking feeling that it was because I might have been being disobedient in not wanting to talk to people on my own. Sigh. So we set aside a day of fasting for other reasons as well as my desiring to hear clearly from God. So as we were sitting outside of a Starbucks (I told you we spend a ton of time there!) mooching off of their internet (because outside you don't have to buy anything), I was transferring what I had just blogged from the blog to my journal and thought, "What am I doing? This day is supposed to be focused on hearing from God & I'm not even trying." So I prayed to hear from God through His word and started reading where I was at in my devotionals, Ephesians 5.
As I read, nothing really happened....it was just reading. Then as I read verse 16, it seemed to scream off of the page at me.
"redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
Right when I read that, these three girls walked out the door and sat one table away from me. Well, there it was. That was what I was supposed to do....start a conversation with these girls which, of course, I fought. I kept reading and nothing else happened, nothing stuck out or anything. Then I really knew I was supposed to talk to them buuuut I still didn't want to. I liked having my crutch...aka Marc. Then this other guy came and sat at the table in between us which made me even more hesitant to talk to them but as time wore on, I just knew, I had to do it so I tried to talk myself into it. It's so funny writing/"admitting" this because I'm on the road as a missionary, an evangelist, and most of the time I just let Marc do most of the talking. But anyways, I eventually was ready to go, I had the conversation starter, I had my transition, I was good. Now I just needed to get up and go. Oddly enough, the hardest thing to always say to somebody is "Hi". Seriously. Once you start talking, the Spirit takes over or you just find a way to keep the conversation going but I think that the enemy just so easily gives you this fear of talking to people but that totally goes away right after they say hi back and you realize, "they are humans too!" But anywho, I had everything ready to say but I did NOT want to get up. Time went by and the other guy got up (one of my excuses gone) and I knew that if I didn't do it soon I would lose my chance. I told Marc that we should get going and he got up to go to the bathroom.
It was go time. UGH lol. So I got up went over & just started talking to them. Conversations almost never go as planned! My transition was gone and I had no good way to go from small talk to "God talk" so I just said, "One other thing-the reason we are traveling is to spread the gospel and I wouldn't feel like I was doing my job if I didn't tell you about God." Turns out they are the daughters of southern baptist preachers so they know what's up but we got to talk for another 5-10 minutes. It was so rejuvenating and awesome, especially just being obedient and not having to feel guilty about not doing it.
While I was talking to them, Marc came out and started talking to the other guy who had switched tables to the other end of the patio. After I was done talking to the girls, I joined their conversation which was fantastic. He was asking all of the questions that people are skeptical about. We talked for at least half an hour. What an amazing night!
So this morning we left for Dallas. After walking around for a little while, we happened upon our favorite place :) Starbucks. While ordering, Marc told the worker a little bit about what we were doing and half an hour later, she took all of the food they were going to throw away and gave it to us!!! DUDE. Blessings rain down from heaven. Thank you Lord for the constant "pick me ups".

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