Saturday, March 31, 2012

two weeks later...

oh jeez. Two weeks of not updating the blog! I have a feeling this could be really long so I'll try to condense a little bit!
The last time I wrote was on St. Patrick's day after the parade so there is much to say!
After service that night, Amy & Jeda brought us dinner :) Amy had made her traditional corned beef and cabbage. Usually I don't like beef, but this was delicious! So we had church the next day and some more great fellowship.
(It's kinda hard to write this time because I haven't written for like 2 weeks, aka I can't remember all the details like I usually do. lame. lesson more! lol)
We spent a lot of time at Clement Park, a beautiful place that always had people! Pretty much if it was too early to do nothing, we went there to witness to people. It is really huge and has a nice, legit, FREE skate park, a lake and a couple playgrounds. After being there a couple of times we found out that there was a Columbine Memorial there so we went to go see it. It was so crazy being there. The mood was very somber. Each student and the one teacher who were killed each had their own plaque and eulogy then on the surrounding wall there were quotes from some people that were there. It was really hard to read all of them, knowing that these were real people who died less than a mile away from where I stood and for no reason.

A couple of days later Mike Lloyd came out to see us! Yeah Mike!

It was great hanging out with him and encouraging him while he encouraged us. Marc and I were both amazed at the sudden change that the Lord had produced in him since we had left. The Lord has big plans for that guy! We spent a lot of time together over the next few days and he even came witnessing! Turns out he's really good at striking up random conversations with people. He got to start up a conversation with 2 young guys who were joining the Marines and got to seriously talk to them about God. So sweet! On his last night in Littleton, he and Marc went longboarding at like 11:00 at night because they're ridiculous! haha but anyways, God totally used it! They started talking to this guy Alex who admitted to being really interested in God but unsure of where to go from there. They shared about god and repentance and Jesus and he ended up accepting the Lord! Super sweet! Praise God!
Alex was the only one in Colorado that accepted the Lord but we got to talk to so many people. There was one instance where these 4 high school kids were at the park and 2 of them had walked away from believing in the Lord in the past couple of months so we got to share with them and address their questions, their issues, and their anger. After that day, I told Marc that if we never led anyone to the Lord but knew that we planted seeds like that, I would be ok with it. (Obviously desiring to lead others to Jesus.) That was just a couple days before Alex got saved. Sweeeeet!
So we planned on leaving Littleton on Sunday, March 24th after church. Well, on Friday/Saturday our van started acting up again! Oh no! So we took it to a mechanic that the head pastor, Lonnie Trujillo, recommended but he couldn't see us till Monday. Oh bother. Well, our plans were set back again. So we spent a lot of that week with the McKenney's. I spoke briefly of them in the last blog, but here I will expound. Jeda McK. was the first person to greet us in Littleton at Horizon Christian Fellowship. He and his wife, Amy, and daughter, Maddi, took us to dinner that night and we got to share with them all about what we were doing. That Sunday night they invited us to stay at their house and we gladly took them up on it. Over the next week and a half we grew to be great friends with them. We played games and talked and had sweet fellowship. I know I always say this about people that I meet, but please please pray that the Lord would bless this family. They took us in and treated us with so much love it was almost weird. Haha, totally just kidding, but really, they were great. They fed us and included us in their lives, which isn't an easy adjustment to make.
On our 2nd to last night there, we were able to have a conversation that blessed me so much. We talked a lot about my past and my issues, but Amy was able to give counsel from having been there and understanding where I have been. I was encouraged and strengthened by this person who knew where I had been and had come through stronger and blessed and thankful because of it. I have never even imagined being able to be so strong and "over" the things in my past, but she showed me how it is possible to glorify God in everything. She gave me these verses:

Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know [Him thus] no longer.Therefore, if anyone [is] in Christ, [he is] a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:16-17

There is much more, but I'm going to keep it for myself :) sorry guys!

Horizon Christian Fellowship was such a huge blessing to us while we were in Littleton. They provided us a place to hang out, to have our home base of operations out of, and some really good fellowship. Also, they ended up taking care of the mechanic bill from our van being in the shop for 4 days. Thank you Horizon and thank you Jesus for all you have done.

Phoebe, me, & Maddi

Marc & Jeda being rock stars at Red Rocks Amphitheater

The McKenney Family-Amy, Maddi, Phoebe, and Jeda. We love you guys!

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